tool (xml)

HTTP response codes as returned by the system:
200 - OK (request is ok and content returned)
201 - CREATED (request created new content, URL and id of content in the header)
204 - NO CONTENT (request is ok but no content to return)
400 - ERROR (general error in the request, probably invalid parameters or data)
401 - UNAUTHORIZED (user authentication required for this request)
403 - FORBIDDEN (authorization required, insufficient privileges, user is already authenticated)
404 - NOT FOUND (resource not found, URL is invalid in some way, id or action are invalid)
405 - METHOD NOT ALLOWED (the method is not supported for this entity type)
406 - NOT ACCEPTABLE (the data format requested is unavailable for this entity type)
500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (general server failure, probably a failure in the provider)
501 - NOT IMPLEMENTED (indicates that a prefix is invalid)

Sample Entity URLs (_id=':ID:') [may not be valid]:

Entity Collection URL: GET /tool (xml) (html) (json)
Response Code Details: 200 plus data; 404 if not found, 406 if format unavailable
Show Entity URL: GET /tool/:ID: (xml) (html) (json)
Response Code Details: 200 plus data; 404 if not found, 406 if format unavailable

Custom Actions

publicToolIds : list (GET) : [/tool/publicToolIds] (xml) (html) (json)
hiddenToolIds : list (GET) : [/tool/hiddenToolIds] (xml) (html) (json)
allToolIds : list (GET) : [/tool/allToolIds] (xml) (html) (json)

Entity class : org.sakaiproject.entitybroker.providers.model.EntityTool

Type :: bean
Name Type Status
1) accessstringRead Only
2) categoriesjava.util.SetRead Only
3) descriptionstringRead Only
4) finalConfigjava.util.PropertiesRead Only
5) homestringRead Only
6) idstringRead Only
7) keywordsjava.util.SetRead Only
8) mutableConfigjava.util.PropertiesRead Only
9) registeredConfigjava.util.PropertiesRead Only
10) titlestringRead Only

Data and Request Handling

Output formats : xml, html, json
Input formats : No formats allowed
No Access Provider registered for request processing



REST:: 1.0.1 SVN: $Revision$ : $Date$